Project Team

Five teachers in French, Music, Health, and Art from Main Street Middle School (MSMS) and Montpelier High School (MHS), and Mary Mackie, Advocacy Director at Mosaic Vermont, came together for a week-long planning retreat at the Community Engagement Lab’s Project Design Lab at UVM to design the project.

Joining the team for a day at the Project Design Lab were four students from MSMS and MHS; ; Jason Gingold, MHS Principal; Matt McLane, MHS Flexible Pathways Director; and Bob Hannum, Community Engagement Lab Board Chair.

Community Engagement Lab teaching artists Amber Paris and Evie Lovett collaborated with the team and helped guide the project design process throughout the week.

Their goal was to design ways to lead students and the greater community in conversations — to share their stories — about the people, places, resources, and activities that help us feel like we belong in Montpelier.

Plus — the new bridges that we need to build to ensure that everyone can belong and thrive here.